Mata Berkedip atau "Eye Twitching"

Pernah tak korang dengar atau merasa mata berkedip? Lepas tu mesti dengar orang cakap kalau berkedip belah kanan petanda baik, kalau berkedip belah kiri petanda tak baik, dan macam2 lagi la yang sewaktu dengannya. Saya sendiri pun kadang-kadang hampir percaya, tapi tolonglah! Sebenarnya adalah tidak baik untuk kita mempercayai benda2 macam tu kan? Wallau'alam~tepuk dada tanya iman :)

3 tahun lepas, dalam tahun 2009 rasanya, saya kena attend satu training ni, "Public Speaking" ke "Proffesional Speaking" ke apa ntah. Terlupa lak. So, kena buat assignment present apa2 je. Masa tu pulak mata saya asyik berkedip jek! Lepas tu ada sorang kawan saya ni dia bagi idea untuk present pasal mata berkedip ni. Disebabkan kena present dalam bahasa inggeris, so saya pun share la dalam bahasa inggeris ni yek!


Eye twitching is an involuntary eyelid muscle contraction that usually affects the lower eyelid.

The condition occurs and disappears spontaneously, but can sometimes last up to three weeks.

Scientific name: Myokimia or Blepharospasm

Left Eye Twitching:

A sporadic twitch in your left eye, and only your left eye which is called Myokimia, or episodic

twitching that involves the left eye. Myokymia is a spasm that causes twitching in the eyelid



In addition to having repetitive, uncontrollable twitching or spasms of your eyelid

(usually the upper lid), you may be very sensitive to light or have blurry vision.

Causes of Eye Twitching:

High caffeine intake

Anxiety, fatigue, stress & smoking.

Lack of sleep

Prolonged staring or eye strain

Irritation of the eye surface or inner eyelid

Usage of certain drugs and alcohol


1.Rest and relaxation.
3.Reduction in Stress
4.Decrease Caffeine and Alcohol consumption
5.Warm, wet cloth for compresses.
6.In some cases, medications or medical procedures.

Tips on how to stop an eye twitch:

Determine the severity of the twitch: Is it minor or severe.

Relax. Try to eliminate stress in your daily life.

Limit caffeine.

Rest. Get plenty of sleep and take frequent breaks from the computer.

Apply warm compresses to the twitching eye and gently massage the eyelid with your finger

Try over-the-counter oral or topical (eye drop) antihistamines to slow the eyelid muscle contractions.

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